Please note that this heat shield fits IS500 per photos in the photo gallery for this product!
This product improves on Lexus intake design and consequently improves power delivery. This kit includes two components -- our Lexus GS F heat shield and our Carbon Intake Elbow -- that are also sold separately in our product catalog.
Sometimes the best solution to a problem, is also the simplest solution. Years ago, when we set out to design a new intake for the RCF and GSF, we discovered that we could not improve upon the airflow of the original intake air box. Introducing a fancy looking intake that makes no power, or worse results in a loss of power was not an option. However, we did discover a major shortcoming in the design of the GSF intake box.
As shown in the datalog below, the RCF intake box suffers from significant heat soak. I turns out that when the secondary intake “flapper” door opens on the intake box at about 3500rpm, the intake box is sucking in hot air from under the hood. A simple datalog shows that with an ambient air temperature of about 85F, and cruising at about 40mph and 3000rpm, our intake air temperature was about 91F. However, as we accelerate and the flapper door opens, intake air actually rises substantially up to 118F! So clearly we have a design flaw in the OEM intake, because as air speed increases, we would actually expect intake air to decrease with greater airflow to the front of the car.

Datalog below shows intake air temperature with our new RCF Carbon Fiber Intake Heat Shield. With the heat shield in place, temperature only increased by 5 degrees!

The bottom line is that intake air temperature directly influences HORSEPOWER. This is not something that can be observed on a dyno with the hood open, but in the real world, where you drive with the hood closed, reduction of intake temperature is a must.
How much power can you expect to make with our RCF Carbon Fiber Intake Heat Shield? Dyno manufacturers apply a correction factor to dyno results based on temperature. These correction factors typically adjust HP by 1% for every 10 degrees. Therefore, comparing the 22 deg F temperature difference with and without our heat shield, a simple modification like this intake duct will add 2.1% power increase, or about 11 hp.
There are many intakes available for the GS F, but the RR-Racing Lexus carbon intake elbows are unique in that they are the only intake to eliminate the valve cover venting. Instead of venting the valve covers back to the intake manifold, where oil contamination leads to carbon buildup and possible detonation, we vent the valve covers to atmosphere using supplied silicone hoses and genuine K&N breather filter.
RR Racing does not make non-sense claims of more power without any substance. This RR Racing product includes our unique Carbon Fiber Intake Heat Shield that gets you about 11hp, and our uniquely designed Carbon Intake Elbow that eliminates oil vapors at the time you do not want to reduce your octane and introduce contaminants into your intake. This is an intake kit with real benefits, very affordable, and LOOKS GREAT TOO!